Wednesday, 8 April 2009

Leonie's recipes...

Our third dinner was deemed a success by all, although the scores have still not been revealed!

Now you can have a go at home by trying Leonie's recipes; that unusual salad, novelty fondue and classic crumble. So get cooking...

Strawberry, Watercress and Goats Cheese Salad
Place a small nest of watercress in the middle of a plate, cut
strawberries in half and place around the edge of the greenery (but
hey, go crazy on this bit, make up yer own pattern!). Crumble goats
cheese in the middle and then splash with balsamic vinegar. Easy! But
oh so good.

Rub the inside of the fondue pot with a cut clove of garlic, then heat
up half a pint of white wine and a splash of kirsh. Dump in a block of
emmental and one of gruyere - you need much cheese more than you think
you do! Keep stiring as the cheese melts and add a squeeze of lemon
juice and a table spoon of cornflour to help thicken it. Dip in cubed
bread pieces and lightly steamed veg.

Place chopped rhubarb, apples (skinned and cored) and blackberries
into a large pudding dish. Cover with water and add a healthy wack of
sugar and place in a warmish oven for about an hour, until youve got a
mushy, syrupy fruit soup. Then cover with crumble, which is made by
rubbing 3 parts flour to 2 parts sugar and 2 parts butter between your
fingers until, well, until it looks like crumble. Then bake in the
oven until the tops brown and the bottom's bubbling. You can put fresh
ginger in the fruit mush too .

Thanks Leonie!

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