Tuesday, 24 February 2009

Rhydian's recipes - Pancakes!

Happy Pancake Day everybody!!!

As you will have seen below, our second host Rhydian got his guests to toss their own pancakes for dessert, (some more successfully than others) and has now supplied us with a foolproof Pancake Batter recipe so you can join in the fun!

Pancake Batter
(makes 8-10 medium sized, thin pancakes)

125g plain white or wholemeal flour
300mls milk
1 beaten egg
oil or butter for frying

1. In a large mixing bowl, sift the flour and make a small well in the middle. Add the beaten egg then, whilst constantly stirring, slowly start adding half the milk, bit by bit. Add the rest of the milk and beat thoroughly, until the mixture is smooth. No Lumps allowed!

2. Heat a medium sized frying pan and coat lightly with oil. Pour a small ladleful of your pancake mixture into the pan, tilting the pan to make sure it covers the pan evenly.

3. Cook for around 1-2 minutes, or until bubbles start appearing and the underside turns golden. Loosen the edges of the pancake with a spatula, then toss it over and cook the other side for another 1-2 minutes, or until it turns golden. This is a good opportunity for a tossing contest at home.

4. Eat immediately topped with your favourite sweet or savoury toppings; our favourites were classic lemon juice and sugar, blueberries and ice cream or maple syrup. Yum!

Hooray for pancake day!

1 comment:

  1. oh no, my pancakes were like rubber! should have checked the blog.

    can't wait to hear about the next installment.

    eet smakelijk !

